Manoa Munchies

A little history and extra info of our Manoa Munchies project.

For my final project in ICS 314, we were responsible for creating a Meteor webapp based on an original idea of our own or one of the suggestions given by the Professor. I was one of five group members in which we named our group “munchyco” (in respects to our idea being food-related… Yeah we weren’t the most creative but we just went with it.)

As for the requirements, we were prompted to create multiple functioning pages as well as a “company website” that contains pretty much everything that has to do with Manoa Munchies. This includes an installation guide, a user guide, github repositories, everything.

The whole project was streched in a timeframe of a month, so the way in which we organized the workflow was extremely important. There were also a total of three milestones in which every milestone was required to present the progress of the project. In addition to that we utilized GitHub’s Project feature where we could add milestones, issues, assignments for the issues, and much more.

What was I responsible for?

I was primarily in charge of the aesthetics and landing page of the webapp. My goal was to make sure that users feel welcomed when entering the site, and that the theming can entice them to try out manoa munchies.

Final Thoughts

Doing this project was extremely enjoyable and a challenge. There were many things I have learned throughout the month and milestones and I hope that I can try to apply them to future ICS classes.